
Showing posts from August, 2019

Withered Hand / Bruised Reed - Freedom Current, Episode 9

(Ep 9) The die is cast differently with far-ranging consequence—Certain music is outside the guys’ budget—Brock knows things, and Jeremiah counts to ten—Bible translations are discussed—Religious neurosis is stressful—What is it like to serve a God whose highest desire is mercy? ----- Discussion: Brock and Jeremiah read about Jesus, his free and liberal mercy with his disciples, and his confrontation with those who disapprove of such mercy. The conflict comes from religious people who claim to have knowledge but cannot really lay claim to a personal relationship with God. If they could, they would have known what Jesus knew: That God desires mercy over sacrifice, grace over performance. Self-righteous is not unique to any one religion or to religion at all. In fact, self-righteousness creates or becomes it's own religion, exalting the self to the level of arbiter, chooser, law-giver, conscience, and god. Jesus is not intimidated by such false gods; it is grace when he confronts